Ever have that feeling, John, that your life, your true work, has not yet begun?

Ever feel like you're here for something more than you've yet found?

And that a billion eyes are upon you, just waiting for the prophecy to unfold?

Have you ever wanted something so badly that all your wishing, hoping, and praying kept you from seeing that you had it all along?


  The Universe

What's happening on Earth right now was prophesized by Nostradamus, The Book of Revelation, Edgar Cayce, and the end of the Mayan Calendar.

John, “The Final Battle” between the darkness and light; fear and love, is upon us. “Final” because LIGHT and LOVE are going to prevail, and the result will be “Heaven on Earth.” John, listen to this free recording to hear how the puzzle pieces of earlier prophecies now make sense as they forecast the greatest awakening our civilization has ever experienced. And learn what you can NOW do to be EMPOWERED to make this a magnificent transition!

Click HERE to listen to the FULL INTRO of The Great Awakening!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint today’s note, please give attribution to ©www.tut.com 

P.S. Yeah, John! Your work has begun. You know exactly what you're doing. And you know exactly what to do.

My new book, The Great Awakening, releases October 1.

Pre-order it TODAY and get a FREE TICKET to my LIVE event!

❤️Invite a friend to get the Notes!

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