Now, I have to admit that among inventions, the "Undo" button is right up there with the very greatest of all time, yet it'll never compare to the "Do" button, from which worlds are born.

John, this is your chance!

Just do it,

  The Universe

John, in 2022 I hosted The Awakening Adventure… 3,300 attended!

“What a miracle…” * “It gave me goosebumps and brought tears to my eyes.” * “Wow… just wow!” * “I will look at life differently now...” * “Feeling blissed-out!” * “The best experience, ever!” * “Amazing and profound.” * “I was in tears!” * “I think it healed a hearing issue that has challenged me.” * “I’M SO GRATEFUL!” * “I've listened to this 3 times!” * “An emotional catharsis…” * “I am filled with so much love right now.”

It’s NOW a book that may change your life… Pre-order TODAY for BONUSES!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint today’s note, please give attribution to © 

P.S. Plus, John, while some things seem to be un-doable, you can ALWAYS start anew.

My new book, The Great Awakening, releases October 1.

Pre-order it TODAY and get a FREE TICKET to my LIVE event!

❤️Invite a friend to get the Notes!

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