For every physical adventure, John, there's the possibility of loss. That's what makes it an adventure.

For every spiritual adventure, there's only gain. Which totally spoils the adventure. But it’s why you choose to forget that all physical adventures are really spiritual adventures.

Everything makes you more,

  The Universe

John, Buddha said, “Whatever precious jewel there is in the heavenly worlds, there is nothing comparable to one who is Awakened.” ❤️

So I asked BasharThe CouncilSashaThe FoundersHealing Love, & The 9D Arcturians, about embodied enlightenment, and they did not disappoint!

💥 How can we accelerate the journey of self-mastery?

💥 What is “the work” that has to be done, individually, to awaken?

💥 Will you please share some meditations that foster awakening?

💥 How can we identify and release our emotional “baggage”?

💥 How do we find our passion in life, and how does this play into awakening?

💥 Why is happiness so elusive, and how can we find it?

💥 How can we learn to distinguish between our inner voice and ego?

💥 How do we heal the wounds of shame, regret, and self-judgment?

💥 Can anyone be a channel? How can this skill be developed?

💥 And much, much, much more…

The book has gone GLOBAL! It’s #1! Read their answers!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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P.S. Just like reality TV, John, was anything but. By the way… your ratings here are CRAZY!

#1 BEST SELLER: The Great Awakening is NOW AVAILABLE.

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