You can change a great many things, John.

Or you can change.


  The Universe

I didn’t know what I didn’t know... Right?

I’ve been into metaphysics for 40 years, John… I just wish I’d learned in the first 2 what I learned in the last 2.

At TODAY'S workshop I’ll be learning even more, asking these questions of special guests concerning the great awakening now upon us:

💥 What happens to us on the timelines we don't choose?

💥 What about our friends and loved ones who make different choices?

💥 What is embodied enlightenment and how can we accelerate it?

💥 Can you peek into our likely, probable futures and share what you see?!

LAST CHANCE to join us TODAY & enter the private channeled raffle!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint today’s note, please give attribution to © 

P.S. Go for easy, John.

#1 BEST SELLER: The Great Awakening is NOW AVAILABLE.

Order the book TODAY and claim your BONUS GIFTS.

❤️Invite a friend to get the Notes!

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