If you knew how much you have in common with every single person now living in time and space, John, in terms of your deepest hopes and dreams, fears and worries, you'd wonder how I manage to tell you all apart.

And from this day forward you'd likely think of every single one of them as "dearest," just as I do.


  The Universe

John, here’s an opportunity to work with me and inspire others!

What: The Joy of Serving: How and Why This Can Be YOUR Path

When: TOMORROW, October 17 @ 1 pm ET

Why: So we can team up to inspire & empower others

SAVE YOUR SPOT and watch LIVE tomorrow!

If you’re not able to watch live, register anyway and I’ll send you the recording.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint today’s note, please give attribution to ©www.tut.com 

P.S. Yeah, like twins, John, to the power of 8 billion. But not to worry, dearest, I can always tell it's you by your saunter. It’s like mine.

Love learning about life’s magic & our power? Why not TEACH it?

Attend my FREE WORKSHOP on October 17 — Save your spot!

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