What if today, John, was your day?

The most amazing day of your life, so far?

A day that would change everything for the better? What's already good would become great. What's already great would become amazing. And what's already amazing would become the stuff of legends.

And all you had to do to take advantage of the good and wonderful things about to happen for you was treat folks with a true and eager kindness, think mostly of those things that please you, and go out in the world, just a bit, where you could meet and mingle, loved and in love, one baby step after another?

How much would you be clucking right now?

Beam, gush, preen…

  The Universe

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Manifesting Opportunities & Performing Miracles with Pam Grout

Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Transforming Your Life

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Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint today’s note, please give attribution to ©www.tut.com 

P.S. Today's your day, John.

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