Dwelling on the unimportant, stressing on the unintended, and freaking over the unknown, John, simply doesn't work... and are like lighting a match, in a dark room, to make sure no one spilled any gunpowder on your bicycle, under the stairs, near the back porch, in January. 

Actually, some of that was intentionally unimportant, to hopefully distract you from feeling any stigma for freaking out over earlier unknowns. 

You're so adorable,
  The Universe
John, if you’re seeking enlightenment, faster manifestations, and more happy dancing, I offer a mini-manifesting workshop every Tuesday.  

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© www.tut.com ® 
Why not just celebrate that you're alive, John, every single day? And that you don't need a bike to get email in January.
John, you're officially invited...