Wow! What an incredible run you've had, John! Lots of "firsts," tons of breakthroughs, countless miracles. Stones overturned, doors unlocked, and journeys just begun. It feels like I've waited an eternity for all that's now happening. (Actually, I have.)

Do you have any idea how many millenniums, billenniums, trillenniums have gone by without you in the world? Thinking the kind of thoughts you now think, doing the kind of stuff you now do, and illuminating all the nooks and crannies (n-o-o-o-o, I didn't almost say "crooks and grannies") of the planet I couldn't otherwise reach?

Too many.

Thanks, and have a great day!

Your fellow Adventurer,
  The Universe
John, tomorrow I'll be LIVE, talking about “ECSTASY.”

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© ® 
Well worth the wait, John. But next time I create a reality, would you mind, terribly, being among the first to visit?
Miracles abound...