In times of great stress and great joy, John, you are completely surrounded by loved ones in the unseen who adore and support you, wanting to share whatever you're experiencing.

So, at those times, if you can remember to be calm and quiet and go within, you'll feel them, you'll remember them, and you'll benefit most from their presence. 

"Look, John is smiling... Whoohoooo!!!" 
   The Universe
John, in 5 weeks I’ll be leading a weekend retreat with Lorna Byrne at the beautiful Kripalu YOGA Center in the Berkshire Mountains. Join us!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© ® 
Actually, John, they're there 24/7, lovingly carrying on, hooting and hollering, having their pictures taken with you, each claiming credit for your piercing life insights, your calm in the face of chaos, and your famed 1, 2 thingy when you bop to music and think no one can see you....
There's still time to join us.