John, your attention, please… 

Your attention, please… 

This… is the Universe. 

Today I'll be recording your every thought and emotion, no matter how "good" or "bad," no matter how generous or stingy, and no matter how helpful or hurtful they may be. And everything I record… will be played back for you, as soon as possible, as some type of physical manifestation in time and space. 

Thank you, that is all - 
  The Universe
John, 15,000 people are doing the 21-Day Visualization Project! 

“What a joyful experience!!! I could feel and ‘see’ my heart opening up and radiating!” * “Loved the first visualization! Made me feel so energetic and happy!” * “Wonderful! My soul cried with joy."

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© ® 
Boy, John, you suddenly got so authoritative. Oh, that was me! Nevermind.