Report Card Day! 

John, here's your Report Card from the "School of Life."
Compassionate - A+ 
(gives of self, even when no one’s looking)

Intuitive - A+ 
(naturally gifted)

Ability to see from others’ perspectives - A+ 
(practically goes out of body)

Spiritually alert - A+ 
(aura beginning to glow)

Resilient and adaptable to unexpected change - A+ 
(like the Energizer Bunny)

Terminally optimistic - A+ 
(fast rebounder)

Exercises gratitude muscle - A+ 
(your cup to be refilled x 7)

Good looking - A+
(a real hottie)

Patient and kind to self - hmmmm, A 
(could play a little more)

Visualizes every day...

Performs random "acts of faith" in line with dreams... 

John, you’re amazing! Aced the very toughest courses in time and space! Now, since the last two subjects are the easiest, you get to grade yourself!
  The Universe
John, I’m teaching an online course about creating abundance… I’ll show you how to bypass your money blocks, define your lifestyle goals, and expedite their manifestations into your life, pronto.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
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Fabulous beautiful vacation home, John!