Ever notice how when someone dreams of happiness, abundance, health, romance, or friendship, they never have to wonder if it's in their best interest?

But when someone dreams of a specific house, employer, love interest, deadline, dollar amount, or diet fad, they often end up contradicting themselves?

Keep your "end results" general, John. Everything else is just a how.

To the big picture, 
  The Universe
John, in case you missed it: For a price you choose, I’m giving everyone access to Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams (my bestselling audio program about beliefs and intuition... God and your power... thoughts and manifestations... intuition and hunches... love and relationships).

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© www.tut.com ® 
Save the glorious details for visualizing to thereby get excited about the new big picture of your life, John, yet don't attach to those details or mistake them for what you really want.