John, do you remember way back when, on the day you first earned your wings, how you worried about whether or not you'd be able to use them to lift yourself, and thereby the entire planet, higher?

And so I reminded you that the reason you earned them was because you already had?

You’ve already earned all that your heart desires.

  The Universe
John, behind these Notes is a community. We meet weekly over a Mini-Manifesting Workshop. July’s theme: Creating Inner Peace Amidst Change. 

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© ® 
Besides, John, you didn't really think with all the encrusted diamonds, inlaid pearls, and the monogrammed gold flaps you special-ordered, they were really about flying even higher, did you? I don't even know how you walk around with them things. But I'm proud as could be.