It took some craftiness to create the splendors you now live in, John, because it all had to be done with the most exquisite balance, and in just such a way that you'd never, ever become bored.

Yeah, I had to throw in a few valleys so that you could truly appreciate the peaks. A few scaly, ugly, biting creatures, to make the others more adorable. Some slippery slopes, dangerous curves, and moving targets, to show you how agile, brilliant, and cunning you are. And some quicksand, tornadoes, and earthquakes, to help you appreciate a stolen nap, an evening stroll, and quiet times.

But perhaps, best of all, I had to dream up some pretty special people. You know, with perspectives and traits so unlike your own that sometimes it would seem your only means of surviving the relationship would be learning to love yourself, even more. Aren't they a piece of work?

  The Universe
John, what a gift! Try this meditation by our friend davidji…

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
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Oh, John, the sublime irony.
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