Phew... I need a break! Tell you what, John, why don't you write your own NOTE today? To me?

You could say something like, "Jambo Universe, it's me! Right, the good-looking, talented, sexy one for whom the sun rises every day. Anyway, just wanted to tell you that this adventure in time and space has been awesome. Everything I ever expected it would be. (Huh, imagine that.) It's been exactly as hard and as easy, as challenging and as rewarding, as I've been telling myself. (Hey, what a coincidence.) And even though I know we are ONE, I still like thinking of you "out there" somewhere, watching, loving, and protecting me. (Hmm, could this also be why I sometimes feel alone?) At any rate, I'm learning tons, having some fun, and really looking forward to coming home one day. (Unless, of course, I'm home now.)

Hey, since I have your attention, thanks, for another day in paradise. (Where my thoughts become things, dreams never stop coming true, and it all just keeps getting better and better.)

  The Universe
John, this book contains everything… 

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
To reprint, credit and attribution to © 
John, you never cease to amaze me.
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