Oh, indeed, John, we have parties here.

The homecoming parties are really crazy! Old loves and friendships are rekindled, and spontaneous enlightenment is passed around like, well… like a hot potato.

But then, there are the other parties...! Real hoedowns for the most brilliant, radiant, and illuminated souls in our midst! Fearless beings willing to further the collective consciousness by delving into a kaleidoscope of emotions. Embarking upon the greatest adventure ever imagined into the sacred, hallowed jungles of time and space, where illumination is taken to dazzling new levels and salvation guaranteed, not for what they might do with their lives, but for simply seeing them through. These… are the Bon Voyage parties! 

We owe you BIG, 
  The Universe
John, this will be the LARGEST virtual book signing party in history…

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
To reprint, credit and attribution to © 
John, the potato comment was just a metaphor.
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