It's not from the known, John, but the unknown, that creativity and inventiveness are born. 

Turn away from the predictable, cliché, and reliable. Brave the void where the darkness is greatest. Trust the quiet, find the stillness, feel the calm. Then steadily think, speak, and move as if you were led. Behave as if your vision were clear. 

Anticipate the emotional rush that will come with your triumph. And as if by magic, as you raise your pen to write, you'll find the words have already been summoned, flooded in light that was there all along, in a world that has just as anxiously anticipated your arrival. 

Just don't let them worship you, John.

  The Universe
John, this will spark your creativity…❤️  

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
To reprint, credit and attribution to © 
Metaphorically, John
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