So I was thinking, John… I know you know that there's the "you" that you know you are adventurous, good-looking, and fun to be around. 

And I know you know that there's another part of "you" in the unseen who you've kind of temporarily forgotten who completes you, loves you, and knows what's really going on. 

Well, how'd you like it if I removed the veils? Just for a second? Gave you a glimpse of who that special, divine, otherworldly essence is, so that you might at last begin to comprehend how extraordinary, sublime, and divine you really are? 


It's me!

Yours truly,
  The entire, flippin' Universe
John, it felt like my "life review"! But instead of God before me, LIVE, were Neale Donald Walsch, Anita Moorjani, Alan Cohen, Pam Grout, Leon Logothetis, and davidji!!! ❤️ 

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
To reprint, credit and attribution to © 
Surprise, surprise, surprise, John! What? You were expecting some little Tinker Bell?