It's not that your life totally rocks, John, except for a few tricky spots, slippery patches, and challenges.

But that your life totally rocks, in large part, because of the tricky spots, slippery patches, and challenges. 

Stranger than fiction, 
   The Universe
John, 17 years ago, months shy of turning a very scary “four oh!,” at the lowest ebb of my life—distraught over a bad breakup, second career in ruins, debt far exceeding my life’s savings, and heartbroken—I wondered if I’d ever be happy again. By any account, my life was a train wreck. Yet unbeknownst to me, it was also about to blast off in ways unimaginable...

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
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Everything makes you more, John, and you look so good on the slopes.