When just starting out on a new journey, John, it's only natural to feel vulnerable, like you have so much to lose. 

But may I remind you that never again, at any other point in the same journey, will you have so much to gain? 

I'll take that as a "Yes." 

  The Universe
John, this is when I spoke for Deepak Chopra at Seduction of Spirit!

“What a powerful message.” * “Mike talks about how he got his ‘second start’ after his t-shirt business failed…” * “It was exactly what I needed to hear.” * “I’m moving forward with a renewed energy and appreciation for life.”

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
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And, John, that barely hints at how profoundly "the game of life" is rigged in your favor. Go for it and keep going for it! (I'm "wanted" in Vegas.)
NEW!A Beginner's Guide to the Universe in paperback. Pre-order it now.