However safe you might think you are right now, John, you are even safer. 

However much you might think you are loved and guided right now, you are loved and guided even more. 

And however likely you feel your future happiness is to blossom, let me assure you, it is, in fact, inevitable. Eternally. 

It's simply that from within the jungles of time and space none of what I just shared is obvious, even as I hold you in the palm of my hand, because you've accepted what is unquestionably the single most daunting challenge I've ever imagined: to forget that we are one. 

Good on you, 
  The Universe
John, the US election is on Nov. 3, and on Nov. 4 I’m teaching:

“Old Soul Wisdom for 2020: The Dawn of Enlightenment.”

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
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Yeah, John, you’re doing so well.
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