It may seem a bit backwards for some, John, but the first step one might take towards rearranging the present circumstances of their life is to stop dwelling upon the present circumstances of their life. 

But for you it's probably a no-brainer.

You’re not like anyone else,
  The Universe
Jambo John!!!!!!!!! 

Amazon SOLD OUT! More coming, disregard the 1-2 month replenishment notice (unless this special breaks the internet next).

THIS IS RELEASE WEEK! Order TODAY and you’ll get the bonus workshop, plus book immersion course, and my royalties go to Charity:Water!

They lowered the price to $12 because I think they feel bad…?

Gratefully yours…. 

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
To reprint, credit and attribution to © 
Second, John, they might start visualizing the circumstances they want, as if they already existed. Right. Duh-h-h-h-h-h....
NEW! Attend my LIVE Workshop on November 4th: