When you focus upon anything at all, John, it's like a call goes out to every corner of the Universe, summoning ideas, strength, courage, insight, resources, and whatever else is needed to manifest whatever it is you’ve been thinking about.

If it's an answer you need, it will be forthcoming. 

If it's a choice you have to make, your options are calculated and recalculated under each scenario. 

If circumstances need to be arranged, then every soul on the planet is consulted. 

And if it's help you need... we're already there. 

When you focus upon anything at all. 

Not bad, huh? 

It’s who you are, 
  The Universe
John, this will help you ask and receive... ❤️  

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
To reprint, credit and attribution to ©www.tut.com 
Every corner of the Universe, John.
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