Having a dream, John, is awesome. 

Having a dream and showing up every day, even when nothing seems to be happening, is priceless. 

But having a dream and showing up every day, while sauntering, winking, and hugging everyone, is when the floodgates begin to tremble. 

   The Universe
John, 90-minutes of VIDEO instruction from me for everyone who orders Playing the Matrix (e-book, audio book, hardback, or paperback).

I think it will change your life. If I'm wrong, return it and keep the video.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
© www.tut.com ® 
Saunter, John, is not to be confused with sashay, prance, trot, or lollygag. Of course, each will work wonders in their own special way, but for floodgates trembling, sauntering is your ticket.
In celebration...