Did you know, John, that you can expect extraordinary miracles to manifest in your life about 2% more often, simply by learning that your thoughts become the things and events of your life? 


And that you can expect extraordinary miracles to manifest about 25% more often, when you not only learn this, but you also visualize at least several times a week? 

"Oh, cowabunga." 

But when you understand "thoughts become things," you visualize, and you begin saying and doing things, every day, that you've never said or done before, the onslaught of serendipities and coincidences are immeasurable. 

"OMG! I'll have what she's having!" 

Yeah, sounds like it's worth it - 
  The Universe
John, in case you missed it: I’m giving everyone access to Leveraging the Universe: Engaging the Magic (with in-depth visualization guidelines and easy belief-alignment techniques)... 

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
To reprint, credit and attribution to ©www.tut.com 
That last line was from the movie, "When John Met The Universe"... or something like that.