John, no matter what your faith is or is not, no matter where in the world you are, I want you to know that during this special time of the year I'll be with you…

In the eyes of every child and the melody of every song.

I'll be the glimmer in the ice crystals, the rays in the sun, and the stars at night. 

And with each smile you see, every hug you receive, and every laugh you hear, I'll be there reaching out through another, with blessings and tidings to last you the year. 

Because I love you, I always have, and I always will.

Duck - Snowball :) 
  The Universe
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John, which of these would suit your 2021? 

       🗸 A new beautiful vacation home
       🗸 Zippier friends
       🗸 Passionate kissing
       🗸 To help millions of people every day
       🗸 Work-life-play balance…

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
To reprint, credit and attribution to © 
Happy Everything to you, John, to your family, and to every single wonderful, radiant Being in your shimmering, enlightened sphere.
Let's kick off 2021 together in a BIG way...