It's me, the Universe, and I've heard a little rumor. 

Seems someone on Earth is asking for their own beautiful vacation home!!!! Phew, wouldn't that be nice! Know anyone? 

I thought so. Well, guess what? 

I have one, and it’s ready for delivery! 

Would you do me a little favor, John?

Would you tell them that in order to get it from here to there, all they have to do is close their eyes, count to three, click their heels, give thanks that it's already in their life, and begin moving toward it?

No, no. Some of that's "make believe," but so is their beautiful vacation home, until they stop asking, and start giving thanks and moving toward it.

  The Universe
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John, which of these would suit your 2021? 

      🗸 A new beautiful vacation home
      🗸 Zippier friends
      🗸 Passionate kissing
      🗸 To help millions of people every day
      🗸 Work-life-play balance…

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
To reprint, credit and attribution to © 
John, do something.
The 21-DAY Change-One-Thing Adventure starts in 6 days...