Just put yourself ahead in time, John, pretend that it's next month already, and imagine that the past 4 weeks just totally rocked. Every hope you now possess for the coming weeks had manifested. Every challenge was breezed through. Every cool person stayed cool. Every trickster became an ally. There were happy surprises along the way, and you got plenty of sleep. 

This is how we roll. 

Kung Fu,
  The Universe
John, first I explain the art of performing miracles, then I share how MUCH the Universe loves you, and finally, I speak to the magic that's created when you knock on doors and prepare the way...

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
To reprint, credit and attribution to ©www.tut.com 
And then, put yourself ahead in time, John, pretend it's next year…
Ready to spark miracles in your life?