Very often, John, when tides start turning, great gears start shifting, and gusting winds start blowing at the onset of a really wonderful dream's alignment with your present life, there is commotion, unpredictability, even turmoil. 

So, hey, let's always assume that's the case whenever you experience commotion, unpredictability, even turmoil. K? 

  The Universe
John, I want to share with you how I get maximum results for people who attend my live events...

✔️ FIRST, I ask them to write down their GREATEST DESIRES in 6 key areas:

  1. Relationships
  2. Wealth and abundance
  3. Career
  4. Health
  5. Appearances
  6. Happiness 

✔️ SECOND, we break these “big vision” goals down into smaller baby steps. 

✔️ THIRD, we talk about all the ways to begin working with the magical Universe to spark changes in these 6 areas of our lives. 

John, this is exactly what I want to share with you in my 6-part video course that starts TODAY! 🎉 🙌🏽 ❤️ It's 50% OFF until midnight! 

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
To reprint, credit and attribution to © 
Let not your senses deceive, for even as the tempest may howl, just beyond it lies a serenity that could not otherwise find you. The storm before the calm, John, if you will.