The question, John, that some might consider asking is, "Can others, doing what they're now doing, no matter what their motivation, no matter what our relationship, and no matter what they decide, keep me from being all I want to be?" 

And the answer is always, "Not in a million years." 

  The Universe
TODAY: I’m giving everyone access to Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams (my bestselling audio program)—for a price you choose.  

John, this is the one about beliefs and intuition... thoughts and manifestations... intuition and hunches... love and relationships.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
To reprint, credit and attribution to © 
Especially, when who you want to be, John, is as simple as “happy, huggable, and sharing your new beautiful vacation home with the world.” That was you, right…?
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