Considering your grandest and most glorious dreams, John:

When your thoughts and visualizations pertain to the "hows" (how they will come true), or when they include an insistence upon unimportant details (virtually all details are unimportant; think of them, yes, but just don't attach to them), or when they require specific people to behave in specific ways… best case scenario, your dream might come true.

Whereas, when your dreams are of BIG-picture items, like rocking abundance, amazing health, vivacious happiness, and the like, the floodgates of success begin to powerfully tremble and your manifestation becomes inevitable. 

Hark… a tremor I do detect… 
  The Universe
John, if I could go from CPA to selling t-shirts to writing as “the Universe” and living the life of my dreams – you can get there too.

I’ve learned that finding your bliss does not come from defining it in advance or carefully choosing the right path. It comes from having the right priorities, the right focus, and following your heart down a number of different paths. Today Hay House is offering my Livelihood course for 50% off thru Friday. I’ll be sharing these ideas and much more. Plus, if you don’t LOVE IT, it’s free.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
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You so deserve even more "powerful trembling," John.
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