For every unexpected bump, turn, or squiggle on the path of life, John, you have two choices:

Accept it as if you yourself had meticulously planned it to take you even higher into the light, while being watched by 10,000 cheering angels who love you so much, you're all they ever sing about. 

Or, accept it, kicking and screaming, as if it were some freak accident that had befallen you by chance that might keep you from knowing happiness.

I know which I would choose,
  The Universe
Yo! Ho! Ho! Announcing our 4-DAY VIRTUAL CONFERENCE! ❤️

John, wherever you are in the world… I’m inviting you to attend, take part in the amazing energy, and become an Infinite Possibilities CERTIFIED TRAINER from the comfort of your home.  

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
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Do you ever hear them, John?