Invariably, John, the 5 minutes of inspiration you need to totally rock the world and transform your life, will come at the end of hours, weeks, months, or even years' worth of floundering, frivolity, false starts, and seeming hopelessness.

Yet when the dream comes true and you glance over your shoulder, you'll see that those 5 minutes were made possible because of everything that led up to them, and that you never needed to be so critical of yourself or the time it was taking. 

Funny you,
  The Universe
John, what most don’t realize about Machu Picchu is that the ruins lie atop a mountain that requires a nearly vertical ascent to visit! It is beyond awesome. Don’t worry, we take a bus on a long and windy road. 😊

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
To reprint, credit and attribution to © 
Your overnight success story, John, is about to go BIG. By the way, who’s going to watch your new beautiful vacation home, while you’re off on your book signing tour?
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