The more you love, John, for the fewest of reasons, the more reasons there'll be.

You know, life, another, yourself, people, mornings, French toast, sunshine, rain… everything.

More maple syrup?
  The Universe
John, our virtual Infinite Possibilities Conference starts next week!

  • Scare yourself with excitement over your future.
  • Deepen your knowledge of life's truths.
  • Find your audience and discover your voice.
  • Enhance your presentation and teaching skills.
  • Laugh, dance, learn, lead, inspire, play, change.
  • All while becoming a Certified Infinite Possibilities Trainer.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®
To reprint, credit and attribution to © 
Same goes for the more you laugh, smile and skip, John, but be very careful with waving, winking, and honking.
What do you really, really, REALLY want? Here’s how to manifest it FASTER!