"The Evolution of a Dream"

Dream is implanted into brain.

Dreamer becomes thrilled.

Dreamer becomes terrified.

If no action is taken, terrifying thoughts grow into 3-eyed monsters. Dream is considered unrealistic.

If action is taken, John, terrifying thoughts are revealed to be paper tigers. Confidence soars, miracles unfold, and dreamer begins to saunter.

Either way, nothing remains the same.


  The Universe

John, spend 10 minutes a day RECLAIMING your POWER…

… with these brand new 21 MANIFESTING lessons + exercises!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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The difference taking action will make in your life, John, is more than can be comprehended. Which is also true of inaction.

Let's kick off the NEW YEAR in a BIG way...

Spend 10 minutes a day RECLAIMING your POWER!