Your wishes are what the Universe wishes for you, John. Your thoughts steer the ship of your dreams. And no matter where you’ve "been," or how challenging your circumstances, right here and now is all that matters.

You are forever. Invincible. A Being of Light on an adventure of the highest order: to have fun and be happy in a magical, infinite, loving reality that conspires tirelessly in your favor; where thoughts become things, dreams come true, and all things remain forever possible.


  The Universe

John, today is DAY 2: Make Your Wish!

“My wish is financial freedom, which will free me from working overtime and give me time and space to help and serve others.” * “Live in magical flow, aligned with my soul, in health and wholeness.” * “Become the master of my thoughts and truly manifest my destiny.” * “A deep sense of feeling incredibly, purely free.” * “Elevated consciousness and all-encompassing peace.”

You can still join us – we've extended registration for 48 hours!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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Any questions, John?