John, persistence, persistence, persistence.

On the surface it might just seem like physical flailing, but spiritually, you're speaking directly to me and this is what I hear, "Please hear me: There’s simply no way I'm doing without. I refuse to accept 'maybe,' 'sort of,' or 'not yet.' I have the power, I feel the glory, and I am the way. My words quicken the ether, my actions fulfill their prophecy, and thy Kingdom shall come on earth, as it is in heaven..."

And when confronted with such clarity... I'm like putty in your hands.

Rock on, John -

  The Universe

In this podcast episode I talk about marriage and monogamy, how to be happy amidst suffering, and the top 10 things dead people want to tell you…

John, listen now on: Apple * Spotify * Google Podcast

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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Actually, you should be writing these things, John.


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