Just act normal, John.

If you just let anyone know about your awareness of those in the unseen doing your bidding, or the population shifts now being sparked by your very words, or the circumstances and events presently being crafted by your thoughts, you might create the illusion that you're from a not-so-distant parallel star system, possessing mysterious powers, favored by fate, here to save the world.

And, man-oh-man, you do not want that to happen.


  The Universe

John, today’s my 61st birthday! In gratitude, I WILL MATCH any donation you make to Charity: Water today, up to a cumulative $100,000 (for all TUTTER donations). Really. ❤️ So that together, we can bring clean drinking water to people in areas of the world that need it the most.

In deep gratitude — thank you!!!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to ©www.tut.com 

Not that you won't skip, dance, and move boldly a lot more, John, but we don't recommend blatantly conversing with your angels, for example, in the grocery store, yet.