John, have you ever thought you just might be the reason birds sing, flowers bloom, butterflies flit, puppies play, cats meow, seasons change, rains fall, stars shoot, the moon waxes, and the sun rises?

I suggest you do.


You are the reason,

  The Universe

John, what is your heart calling out for?

  • Deeper relationships
  • Creative, fulfilling work
  • Financial abundance and freedom
  • A new beautiful vacation home
  • To help millions of people every day

These 7 steps will help you MANIFEST any or all of the above…

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to © 

And, John, anything else your heart desires will one day be yours too.

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FREE! Mini-Manifesting Workshop:

7 Steps to Manifest Anything – SAVE YOUR SPOT!