I do wonder, John, how some people, who upon seeing gorgeous, billowing cumulus clouds floating effortlessly overhead, don't just want to explode with joy.

Or who, upon seeing a mighty old oak tree, don't run right up to it wildly screaming, "I love you!"

Or who, upon being caught in the rain, don't blush as each drop gently kisses their skin.

Or who, upon gazing at a star-filled night, aren't paralyzed with awe.

Or who, upon seeing their reflection in a pond, don't cry the happiest of tears.

Do you know what I mean?

  The Universe

John, don’t miss our virtual conference because you can’t afford it. It only happens twice a year AND we have scholarships available!

There will be workshops, mixers, even stand-up comedy!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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I'm always having to pinch myself, John.

FREE! Mini-Manifesting Workshop:

7 Steps to Manifest Anything – SAVE YOUR SPOT!