John, do you know what happens in time and space just before something really incredible happens? Something mind-blowing? Just before a really HUGE dream comes true?

Do you?

Absolutely nothing.

At least not in the physical world.

So if, perchance, it appears that absolutely nothing is happening in your life right now… consider it a sign.

All the best,

  The Universe

John, are you feeling confused about what comes next?

On 2-22-22 (a magical day for manifesting!), I’m offering a FREE workshop: 7 Steps to Manifest Anything During Challenging Times.

By the end of it, no matter where you are on your spiritual path, you’ll know which action steps to take in the days and weeks ahead...

FREE Mini-Manifesting Workshop (2-22-22) — SAVE YOUR SPOT!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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John, expect to be surprised.

FREE! Mini-Manifesting Workshop:

7 Steps to Manifest Anything — SAVE YOUR SPOT!