You could pray for 1,000 nights, visualize for 1,000 days, and give thanks for 1,000 things, but it's when you physically prepare the way, dear John, that 1,000 miracles will find you.

I can't help this feeling,

  The Universe

John, 20 years ago my mom, brother, and I started meeting weekly to “mastermind” together.

We’d share our dreams and visions for the future, our insights about the present, and our takeaways from the past… while supporting each other and holding ourselves accountable.

Now, I’m doing the same thing with Notes subscribers. We meet every Tuesday for a LIVE Mini-Manifesting Workshop… and once a month we meet in smaller break-out groups.

It’s probably the coolest thing I’ve ever done, and it’s the closest thing to having me as a personal coach.

Click here to join us FREE for 30 days (and see how awesome it is!)

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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John, I'm so in love with you…

Pssst… behind these Notes is a community!

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