A master's awareness of spiritual laws, John, directs him or her to manifest major life changes by working with their thoughts, not by working harder.

Which isn't to say they don't sometimes work very long hours, because they do; they just don't think of it as work.

Which also isn't to say they all have cool jobs that anyone would love, because they don't; they just see every task before them as a step on the path leading to happily-ever-after.


  The Universe

John, thoughts become things and your words give you wings.

Here’s how to craft empowering AFFIRMATIONS and SOAR!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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Honestly, John, I do believe a lot of masters learned this stuff from watching you.

Learn how to craft empowering affirmations. 🌈

Attend my LIVE Affirmation Workshop — March 25th!