Impatience is a sign of hurrying, hurrying is a sign of worrying, worrying is a sign of fear, and fear is a sign, John, that someone has temporarily forgotten that it's never too late to change their thoughts and, therefore, their "things."

Glad we could straighten that out,

  The Universe

John, you will LOVE this… my new AFFIRMATION workshop!

What: From Affirmation to Manifestation

When: March 25th at 2 pm ET

Why: Because your WORDS create your WORLD

Click here to join us –> Learn how to craft EMPOWERING AFFIRMATIONS!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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Please, John, no "thing" jokes today…

Learn how to craft empowering affirmations. 🌈

Attend my LIVE Affirmation Workshop — March 25th!