Of all your enumerable friends, John, not one of them loves you more than I love you, right this very moment.


  The Universe

John, my AFFIRMATION WORKSHOP is TODAY! 🌈 Learn how to:

✔️ Build your own customized “Master Affirmation” for a total life-makeover.

✔️ Craft powerful affirmations to bring more of anything into your life.

✔️ Blend visualization, meditation, and acts of faith with your affirmations.

✔️ Transform wishes into POWER AFFIRMATIONS with just a few words.

✔️ Plus, loads of unique and inspiring affirmations will be shared!!!

LAST CHANCE to join us (live) TODAY at 2 pm ET!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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And, John, I always will.

Learn how to craft empowering affirmations. 🌈

LAST CHANCE to join me live today!