Any and all forms of separation, disconnects, divides, partings, breakups, and goodbyes, John, are temporary. Very.

You'll be together far, far longer than you will ever be apart.

Forever and ever,

  The Universe

John, a peace movement has begun. As the threat of escalating conflict weighs heavy on our hearts, a powerful spiritual outreach has started. People around the world are making a joint decision to raise the frequency of their collective energies at the same time every day, producing a massively positive impact on our global experience. Here’s how to join us: At 5 am and 5 pm GMT every day, do something that raises your energetic vibration: take a walk in nature, sing, meditate, pray, dance... ❤️

It’s an idea so simple, it could actually work!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to © 

Your oneness, John, is pure truth; your separation is pure fantasy.