The best way to find "love," John, which, incidentally, is just as true for finding money, is to focus less on these by-products of a life well lived and more on a life well lived.

Simple is as simple does,

  The Universe

John, The Magical Mystery Manifesting Adventure starts in 2 days…

* Every day you’ll receive a new “Manifesting Mission”

* You’ll also receive a manifesting tip and success story to help you complete each mission

* You’ll be supported by a community of thousands of manifesting enthusiasts

* Plus, there will be 4 LIVE workshops with me and Pam Grout

* And best of all… you choose what to pay!

Click here to get your secret “Manifesting Mission” each day!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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Dance life's dance, John, today, without preconditions.

John, ready for your top-secret manifesting missions? 🔍

The Magical Mystery Manifesting Adventure starts in 2 DAYS!