Confusion, indecision, and uncertainty, John, often mean that if you wait a little longer before deciding, an even better option will emerge, with such clarity it may bite you on the nose and sweep you off your feet.

The nice kind of bite.

I'd say wait a little longer,

  The Universe

John, today is DAY 1: Baby Steps ✨

Did you know that if you start by manifesting something around which you have no baggage, like say a feather, resistance doesn’t immediately put up its dukes? In fact, small intentions are so non-threatening that often we manifest them immediately! Ready to see what your first “Manifesting Mission” is?

Your 1st SECRET ASSIGNMENT is waiting.

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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Of course, John, even as you wait, you'll keep moving, grooving, and living your amazing life.