Don't you see?

Those things that haven't yet worked out in your life, John, are anomalies.

And those things that have worked out create your constantly ascending new normal.

This is called a trend.

Onward and upward,

  The Universe

“This is my daily bible.” * “I start my day with a random reading from this fabulous guide!” * “A page a day, any page at all, brings inspiration, hope, and compassion.” * “Excellent book to dip into as you would a deck of cards.” * “If I have a question, I ask quietly, randomly flip the pages, and surely there is a useful message waiting for me.”

Pick a page, any page… let The Universe surprise you!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

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Your star is rising, John. Everyone else can see it. Denying the obvious won't serve you. And always answer "We do," when asked "Who rocks?"

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