Well, well, well, look at you! John Do is back on top of the world! What a picture! How splendid! Hallelujah!

New friends to cavort with, wild critters sensing your confidence, and children holding you in awe. Laughter ringing in your ears, happy tears streaming down your face, and arms aching from all those hugs. My goodness, if some of your old friends could see you now, John, they'd faint.

You've been visualizing, haven't you?

Beaming for you,

  The Universe

John, this will change how you THINK and MANIFEST…

My next MAJOR event is Sept 8–11—the early-bird discount ends TONIGHT!

Thoughts become things... choose the good ones! ®

To reprint, credit and attribution to ©www.tut.com 

Funny, isn't it, John, how thinking about something all the time isn't quite the same as visualizing just 5 minutes a day?

Become an Infinite Possibilities *Certified* Trainer.

The $200 early-bird discount ends tonight!